Using Your Freshette
Follow these easy tips for using the Freshette and you’ll be peeing freely in no time!
Practice is definitely key to gaining confidence. We recommend practicing in the shower to get the hang of things – especially if using a pee funnel is new to you. Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, you’ll have freedom to go whenever and wherever nature calls.
Leave No Trace: Urine has little direct effect on vegetation or soil. In some instances, urine may draw wildlife that is attracted to the salts. They can defoliate plants and dig up soil. Urinating on rocks, pine needles, and gravel is less likely to attract wildlife. Diluting urine with water from a water bottle can help minimize adverse effects. To minimize social impacts and contamination, it is also best to urinate 200 feet from trails, campsites, high-use areas, and water sources with a water flow of less than 500 cubic feet per second.
Click here for tips on washing your Freshette.
Using the Freshette from a standing position:
1. Get ready. Wash Freshette with soap and warm water before use.
- 2nd Gen model: Insert tube into the funnel, with the white ring sitting inside the funnel spout; tug to ensure a secure fit.
- 3rd Gen model: Push tube onto funnel spout.
Adjust clothing out of the way, take a wide stance, and hold funnel firmly to your body for a complete seal. (Try practicing in the shower to get the hang of things.)
2. Relax and go. This gets easier over time - trust us! Use tube to direct flow away from you, preferably onto soft ground or vertical surface to avoid splash back.
Who knew there was so much great research on how to avoid splash back? The findings: the greatest pee splash occurs when urine stream is angled perpendicular to the urinal/wall. It's ideal to reduce angle and stand closer to the vertical surface.
You can also use one of our tie-off collector bags. When done, angle funnel slightly downward to drain, give the tube a shake, then swipe funnel forward to collect residual drops. We love saving toilet paper!
3. Clean and store in the reusable storage pouch. Sterilize or wash with soap and water, air dry. If sterilizing later, rinse and wipe dry in the meantime.
- 2nd Gen model: Stow tube inside funnel.
- 3rd Gen model: Clip tube to funnel for compact storage, or fold tube and stow inside funnel.
4. Celebrate your 'go' anywhere freedom!

Using the Freshette from a seated position:
1. Get ready. Wash Freshette with soap and warm water before use.
- 2nd Gen model: Insert tube into the funnel, with the white ring sitting inside the funnel spout; tug to ensure a secure fit.
- 3rd Gen model: Push tube onto funnel spout.
Carefully move to the edge of a chair or bed; make sure you are stable. Have ready whatever receptacle you are using – bottle, toilet, or one of our tie-off collector bags.
Adjust clothing out of the way. Place the funnel firmly against your body, ensuring a complete seal - especially in the back to avoid back flow.
Tip: Depending on your position and body angle when seated, it may work best to reverse the funnel so the spout is pointing directly downward. That position works, too!
2. Relax and go. This gets easier over time - trust us! Use tube to direct flow away from you, directing flow to a bottle, toilet, or one of our tie-off collector bags. When done, angle funnel slightly downward to drain, give the tube a shake, then swipe funnel forward to collect residual drops. We love saving toilet paper!
3. Clean and store in the reusable storage pouch. Sterilize or wash with soap and water, air dry. If sterilizing later, rinse and wipe dry in the meantime.
- 2nd Gen model: Stow tube inside funnel.
- 3rd Gen model: Clip tube to funnel for compact storage, or fold tube and stow inside funnel.
4. Celebrate your 'go' anywhere freedom!